Legal expertise center
& cross-border mediation


"Are you afraid that your child might be internationally abducted by the other parent, and/or would you like prevention tips? Call our Center for tailored advice."


An international child abduction can have extensive consequences for both the children involved, as well as for the parents. This is why it is of utmost importance to contact us in case of suspicion of a future international child abduction to see what preventive measures you can take.


Many factors play a role in a possible international child abduction. It is best to discuss the situation over the phone in order to have more space for specific nuances in the story. We can think along with you in terms of possibilities. We will take as much time as needed for this conversation, on average the intake including advice takes 45 minutes. You can reach the Center IKO by phone on weekdays between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. via phone number 088-800.9000 or through our e-mail address In case of an emergency, the Center can be reached 24/7.


Crossborder mediation can also be helpful in preventing international child abduction. Contact the Mediation Bureau for more information.